Working Late


Well hello again friends

    Hasn't been too long since my last post and I am mildly proud of myself for thinking to check in with y'all folks over yonder! I am coming to you "live" from my little Speedway gas station. I know, I know, I shouldn't be on the interwebs while I am working but in my defense it is a really slow night and it was either write this blog entry or play games on my tablet. I chose to entertain you with the super exciting things of my life in this small town suburb of Minnesota.

    Those of you who aren't new around here know that, that last line was a huge line of crap because my life, currently is anything but exciting. I have exciting moments and exciting events that happen occasionally in my life but all in all my life is simple, quite and a bit boring.
     Speaking of those exciting moments in my life! My son, as I mentioned in my last in my last post, is now back in preschool! Which is fantastic! He seems to enjoy himself and I can see huge improvements in his verbal communications skills. As well as his hand eye coordination and person to person interaction skills.
      While on the topic of my son I want to express that I feel like I am paying him WAY too much in allowance! Just this month alone so far he has made thirty dollars and still has one more week of allowance coming yet this month. I am beginning to think that twenty-five cents a chore with the option of earning a dollar and seventy-five cents a day is too much for a five year old.

     To wrap this up I want to mention one last thing on the topic of exciting moments in my life. I started a saving account at the beginning of December and I am doing a fantastic job at NOT touching any of it! My goal is to use it for something meaningful like a down payment on a car or extra expenses on a vacation that maybe my boyfriend and I will take this year.

Until next time
Much Love


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