Home Sick


Hiya guys!

    It's been an interesting week for me, to say the least. I was home the last two days with a severe infection in my mouth. I originally had a dentist appointment but due to a change in how they have patients check-in, it was canceled. So instead of missing one day of work because I was in pain. I had to miss a second one to reschedule my appointment for the next day, in what would have been he middle of my shift. Thankfully my boss is understanding and finds ways to work with me when emergency things like this happen. 
     Though that was not the only inconvenience that the appointment cancelation cause me. The final appointment, the one I actually made it to was on a school day for my kiddo, about fifteen minute before his class started. So in our one vehicle household it wasn't possible for us to make it to both, obviously! With the short notice I was also unable to arrange for a medical ride. Last change of hope was my brother and thankfully after one missed call and a few text messages between us he happily agreed to help me. 
      The dentist appointment confirmed that I did indeed have an infection. A pretty serious one in fact. I was giving the option for a root canal, which my insurance doesn't cover and is over a thousand dollars. Or having it pulled and only pay a few hundred out of pocket for the ananastasia, that the referral doctor requires for all extraction's. Can you guess my answer...... Yes, I chose the extraction path because I don't a thousand just laying around but a few hundred is manageable.

      On the upside I was able to use vacation time for the two days of work I missed and I also got a lot of little random things accomplished. Like my son has a few events coming up at school the he needs a few stuff for. I was able to uptrain two out of the three event item requested list. As of right now I haven't been able to locate a football jersey for this Fridays Super bowl smash. Fully prepped for the valentines day party and Pajama day though! The kiddo picked out Spiderman and Pets valentines cards for his classmates. As well as picked out a complete Spiderman PJ set including, long sleeve shirt, pants, robe and slippers! Defiantly my child when it comes to have the whole set of something. Haha


                   I got my new glasses today and words can not express just                   how much I am loving them! The post picture included at the top               was taken just moments after the arrived at my apartment. 

Until next time
Much Love


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